As International Labour Confederation, we attach importance to the protection and security of your personal data, therefore, the ways in which your personal data is collected in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and other relevant legislation, which is designed to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and to protect personal data, As the Data Controller, we would like to enlighten and inform you in the most clear way regarding the purposes of processing, legal reasons for processing and your rights.

Personal Data: Within the scope of KVKK, personal data identified or

It refers to all kinds of information regarding an identifiable natural person (“Personal Data”).

1. Method of Collection of Personal Data and Purpose of Processing

Personal data is collected in connection with your transactions with International Labour Confederation and for the purpose and scope specified below, by automatic or non-automatic means, verbally, in writing or electronically and through the following methods and third parties.

Your personal data; Through the information and documents provided by you, specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK regarding the processing of Personal Data;

Having your explicit consent,

clearly stipulated in the law,

It is necessary for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who is unable to express his/her consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not given legal validity,

Processing of personal data in connection with the establishment or performance of a contract,

It is mandatory to fulfill our legal obligations,

It has been made public by the person concerned,

Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right,

It is necessary for our legitimate interests, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms.

It is stored for legal reasons such as:

Your personal information is collected from sources such as your visit to our website and your shares in telephone or e-mail correspondence with our company. If you enter into a commercial or legal relationship with International Labour Confederation, your contact data (e-mail address, address and telephone information), especially your identity information (name, surname, TR ID number, date of birth), will be used for the performance of the contract concluded between the parties. and will be processed for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations.

2. To whom and for what purpose personal data may be transferred

International Labour Confederation may share your personal data domestically where legally permitted (and within the framework of certain purposes); It can be transferred to real and legal person business partners with whom we cooperate and/or receive services in security, law, and other third parties to whom the transfer is necessary for specified purposes, as well as to institutions and organizations authorized to request this data.

3. Rights of the Personal Data Owner (Relevant Person) within the Scope of Article 11 of the KVKK

As a personal data owner, you can request your rights listed below from us, the data controller, at any time in accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK.

The rights you have in this context are as follows:

Learning whether personal data is processed or not,

  Requesting information if personal data has been processed,

  Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

Requesting correction of personal data in case personal data has been processed incompletely or incorrectly and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

  Although it has been processed in accordance with KVKK and other relevant legal provisions, in case the reasons requiring processing are eliminated, these data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized within 30 (thirty) days in accordance with the Provisions of the Regulation on Deletion, Destruction or Anonymization of Personal Data. and to request that the transaction carried out in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,

  Objecting to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to the individual by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems,

  In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, the person has the right to request compensation for the damage.

For comprehensive information about the principles of protection and processing of your personal data, you can review the "Cookie Policy" on the International Labour Confederation website, and in case of an information request within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law, you can contact us through the methods specified below and provided that you meet the minimum elements specified in the law.

Application Method Place of Application
Personal Application (Application made by the Relevant Person or his/her authorized representative by coming in person)
Application through Notary Public
Application by mobile signature or e-mail (by using the secure e-mail address previously notified to the data controller by the relevant person and registered in the data controller's system) [protected email address]